21 Agustus 2010


apa kabar kalian ?
gue kangen banget sama bloh tap sayangnya gue bener2 ga sempet banget buat ngebolg hahahha sok sibuk ye hahahha
tapi kali ini gue ngeluangin waktu gue buat ngebolg
ya walau cuma buat gini doang tap seengaknya gue sa sombong ya sama blog hahah

eh eh kalian tau ga ?
sekarang gue udah SMA loh hahhaha
gue sekarang di SMAN 12 Jakarta Timur
ga nyangka banget ya sekarang gue udah SMA aja hahah

dan sekarang gue mau membiasakan diri gue sebagai anak SMA
ya dulu gue adalah anak SMP yang sangat senang bersenang2
dan sekarang gue manjadi anak SMA yang harus serius pada masa depan gue
dan blogger doain gue ya supaya gue masuk IPA trus keterima di ITB sebagai ARSITEK

dam masa depan gue bisa indah se indah indahnya :D

thanks blogger sampe sini dulu

13 Agustus 2010


Was I wrong to turn away when I had the chance with you?
Your smile would light up my day
Your laughter would lift my heart

But I was too stupid to realise your pure feelings for me
All the hints you gave me
Why did I not pay attention at all?

Will you give me a chance?
I will promise to be yours
Can you turn my midnight into your day?
Can you be mine if I asked?

Where are you when I need you?
Where was I when you needed me?
Are we straying from each other’s paths?
Should our destiny ever be crossed?

Was it all my fault?
Would you have stayed if I said yes?
And now my heart is yearning for you
Will you come back to me again?

Bye bye, never say goodbye
I know that we were destined to be
I need you, Fate just understand, I want you
I’ll wait, no matter, I will wait

Even though you could’ve been mine
Even though it was my own mistake
Could you forgive me and take me under your wings
I’m forever crying for you

Even though you could’ve been mine
Even though it was my own mistake
Could you forgive me and take me under your wings
I’m forever crying for you
I’m forever, just missing for you
Baby I love you, I’m waiting for you

demi gue gg ngerasa secepat ini waktu berjalan ..
gue merasa baru kemaren masuk SMP !!
dan sekarang gue udah lulus dari SMP ..
ya allah sebagai tuhan ku betapa bahagianya diriku ya allah
makasih atas semua yang telah engkau berikan padaku ya allah
engkau mengabulkan semua permintaan ku ..
terima kasih ya allah :)

pertama gue gg tau situs dimana .. tapi si vinna sms gue bilang dia LULUS
trus gue tanya "liat dimana?" trus si vina bilang "di fbnya ikhsan"
trus gue buka fbnya ikhsan trus gue buka alamat linknya ..
gue udah PANIK SETENGAH MAMPUS .. gue cari nomer ujian gue gg ketemu
akhirnya gue tlp vina nanya nomer ujian gue dimana ..
trus kata vina di urutan 15 paling kanan
dan ternyata 05-112-115-6 DINYATAKAN LULUS
beberapa jam kemudian nem baru bisa diliat ..
nah si tari udh bisa buka webnya simdik akhirnya tari nolongin gue liat nem gue
DAN NEM GUE 34.95 ..
ya emang gg sesuai target sih tapi lumayanlah harus bersyukur gue

ini dia yg hasil nem gue

29 Januari 2010



Justin Drew Bieber

justin drew biber atau yang lebih dikenal dengan justin bieber adalah seorang penyanyi Kanada.

Ia memulai karir profesional di YouTube, di mana ia ditemukan oleh manajer masa depannya, Scooter Braun.

Braun Bieber terbang ke Atlanta, Georgia untuk berkonsultasi dengan Usher dan segera menandatangani kontrak rekaman dengan Island.

Ia bekerja di debut albumnya My World yang akan dirilis pada 17 November 2009. Empat sukses single pra-album telah dirilis: "one time", "one less Lonely Girl", "Love Me", dan "Favorite Girl", yang Top 15 hits di Kanada

Hot 100 dan Top 40 hits di Billboard Hot 100.

Bieber Prestasi ini membuat satu-satunya seniman dalam sejarah Billboard memiliki empat single dari album bagan di Top 40 dari Hot 100 sebelum rilis album.

life and carier

Bieber berusia 12 tahun ketika ia memasuki sebuah kompetisi menyanyi lokal di Stratford, menempatkan di urutan kedua.

Dia belajar sendiri cara bermain piano, drum, gitar, dan terompet.

Pada akhir tahun 2007 Justin dan ibunya mulai mem-posting video di YouTube sehingga keluarga dan teman-teman yang tidak bisa menghadiri pertunjukan akan dapat melihat mereka,

posting cover version dari lagu-lagu oleh artis-artis seperti Usher, Stevie Wonder, Ne-Yo, Michael Jackson dan Justin Timberlake.

Ia segera didekati oleh sebuah perusahaan berbasis di Toronto bernama Rapid Discovery Media, yang membantu dia dalam menjalankan nya YouTube dan MySpace account, menghasilkan, mengedit dan mempromosikan video. Setelah posting-nya rendition of Chris Brown's "With You", Brown secara pribadi disebut Bieber dan mengucapkan selamat kepadanya di YouTube pengakuan.

Scooter Braun, seorang mantan eksekutif pemasaran Jadi Jadi Def, menemukan video-nya, dan terbang Bieber ke Atlanta, Georgia di mana ia bertemu dengan R & B penyanyi / penulis lagu Usher.

Seminggu kemudian Bieber memiliki kesempatan untuk menyanyi untuk Usher yang segera menjadi sangat tertarik,

memberinya audisi dengan Antonio LA Reid di Island Records, yang menandatangani untuk Island Records pada Oktober 2008. Justin Timberlake dilaporkan dalam menjalankan untuk menandatangani Bieber,

tapi ia akhirnya menandatangani kontrak dengan Usher.

2009-present: My World

Bieber bekerja di akan segera dirilis album My World,

yang dirilis pada 17 November 2009.

Album ini akan menampilkan vokal tamu dari Usher, yang muncul dalam video musik untuk single "one time".

Bieber adalah pada tur promosi mempromosikan single dan telah melakukan berbagai ditayangkan di beberapa stasiun radio.

Single pertama "One Time" mencapai nomor 12 di Canadian Hot 100 pada minggu pertama bulan Juli 2009, dan nomor 20 di Billboard Hot 100.

Dengan Miranda Cosgrove, Bieber adalah presenter pada 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, dan memperkenalkan Taylor Swift.

Beberapa hari sebelumnya, Bieber telah melakukan "one time" di mtvU's VMA Tour untuk mendahului penghargaan internasional

ia muncul di program eropa ..

di lakukan the dome dan "one time"

pada tanggal 26 september 2009

bieber dlakukan pada YTV's THE NEXT STAR diumumkan bahwa one time telah mendapat platinum di kanada.

dan dianugerahi Bieber dengan sebuah plakat.

Tunggal juga telah bersertifikat Emas di Amerika Serikat oleh RIAA album single kedua, "one less Lonely Girl" yang dirilis secara eksklusif ke iTunes

pada 6 Oktober 2009.

Diumumkan pada bulan Oktober 2009 yang untuk mendukung upaya debutnya, Bieber akan mengadakan tur dengan Taylor Swift pada dua dari Inggris Raya berhenti dari Fearless Tour dan pergi pada tanggal lima tur sendiri di Kanada, yang disponsori oleh Urban Behavior.

Bieber telah sering muncul di Kanada MuchMusic, dan membuat non-MTV pertama televisi AS tampak sama bila ia dilakukan "one time", "one less Lonely Girl", dan "Favorite Girl" tinggal

di The Today Show pada 12 Oktober 2009.

Juga akan Bieber bintang tamu dalam sebuah episode yang

Benar Jackson, Wakil Presiden akhir tahun ini. Pada Oktober 2009

dan ..

justin bieber terpilih sebagai

"Best Good Example of 2009" by AOL's JSYK."

Birth name Justin Drew Bieber

Born March 14, 1994 (1994-03-14)

Origi Stratford, Ontario, Canada

Genres Pop, R&B, dance

Occupations Singer

17 November 2009


Boys Like Girls are:
* Martin Johnson – vocals, rhythm guitar
* Paul DiGiovanni – lead guitar
* Bryan Donahue – bass
* John Keefe – drums

Boys Like Girls is a four-piece rock band from Boston, Massachusetts. The group completed nationwide tours with Cute Is What We Aim For, Hit the Lights and Butch Walker and topped the Top Unsigned Artist chart on PureVolume, within a few months from forming in late 2005. In August 2006 they released their Matt Squire-produced debut album, Boys Like Girls via Columbia Records/Red Ink. On March 17, 2007, it was announced that the band was voted 2006 Artist of the Year by the readers of Spin.

The band Boys Like Girls was formed in the final months of 2005, when singer/guitarist Martin Johnson — formerly of short-lived Massachusetts act The Drive — wrote a handful of songs he wanted to record. He recruited bassist Bryan Donahue and drummer John Keefe, both of whom had been in bands of different setups with the frontman, most notably in the pop punk band Lancaster. Keefe brought along lead guitarist Paul DiGiovanni, whom he had recorded a brief demo with, to complete the line-up. Oddly enough, the two learned that they were distant cousins several months later. The quartet soon opened a PureVolume account to showcase their music, and uploaded a rough demo of "The Great Escape" and an acoustic rendition of "Thunder". By the end of the year, the group had landed the #1 spot on the website's Top Unsigned Artists chart.

The buzz around the band was overheard by both booking agent Matt Galle and record producer Matt Squire, who contacted the band about a future collaboration. With their support, Boys Like Girls embarked on their first nationwide tour with A Thorn for Every Heart, Hit the Lights and Keating in late February of 2006. Following the month-long venture, the group immediately entered the recording studio with Squire to record their debut album for Columbia Records/Red Ink. During their time in the studio Squire introduced the band to another of his alumni, Cute Is What We Aim For, who offered Boys Like Girls an opening slot on their upcoming headlining tour. Once the album was recorded, Boys Like Girls played back-to-back tours, including the Cute Is What We Aim For tour in June, as well as a two week stint with Butch Walker in late July. In between tours the band filmed their first music video for their album's lead single, "Hero/Heroine", directed by Mark Serao and Chris Vaglio of Grey Sky Films.

On August 22, 2006, the eponymous Boys Like Girls hit record store shelves. As of April 2007, the album has sold over 200,000 copies within the United States. While, as the title might suggest, songs about boys liking girls clearly prevail on the album, Johnson threw in the occasional escape from the pre-, mid-, or post-relationship formula, and touched upon themes such as his mother's battle with cancer, leaving home and precocious adolescents. Concerning the latter, he discussed the motivation behind the song "Dance Hall Drug":

"So many kids are growing up too fast. 13 year olds are giving each other hand jobs in the back of the bus, 14 year olds are already drinking and partying, and kids spend more time worried about growing up and being cool than they do actually growing up and being a kid."

In the light of the album's release, Boys Like Girls completed their first headlining tour, supported by Permanent Me and Scenes from a Movie in August and September, before heading out on an East coast tour, opening for Lostprophets and Eighteen Visions throughout October 2006. The remainder of the year was spent playing first on a five-band bill with Spitalfield, Punchline, Over It, and Valencia, as well as on the Tournado Tour, where they shared the stage with The All-American Rejects, Motion City Soundtrack, and The Format.

The year 2007 started out with a short headlining run with Self Against City, after which the group joined Cobra Starship supporting a two-month Cartel tour beginning in February. In between releasing their album's second single, "The Great Escape" (reaching #24 on the Pop 100), performing on Jimmy Kimmel Live on February 22, 2007, and eventually charting the Billboard 200 for the first time in April 2007, Boys Like Girls played their first international concerts during the Canada leg of a North America tour with hellogoodbye and the UK festival Give It A Name 2007. In mid-2007, the band played the annual Vans Warped Tour for the first time. On July 31, 2007 the band reached the #1 spot on the MTV show Total Request Live. They also announced that they will be playing five shows in Japan come September and that they will then do a U.S. headlining tour with All Time Low, theAUDITION and We the Kings.

Stylistically, the self-proclaimed emo band lists its musical influences as a variety of contemporary emo and pop punk bands, such as Jimmy Eat World, The Academy Is... and Dashboard Confessional. While these tendencies are clearly audible in guitarwork and drumming, punk rock influences are far less obvious as far as vocal patterns and lyricism are concerned. Given Johnson's characteristic tenor vocal melodies — which are, thanks to sporadically placed falsettos, at times reminiscent of Tyson Ritter's (of The All-American Rejects fame) — the band's all-around sound is geared to late '90s alternative radio rock, along the lines of Vertical Horizon and Eve 6.

In comparison with the majority of their peers, Boys Like Girls has a more radio-friendly pop rock sound. Hence, Boys Like Girls has been labeled "an album full of hit singles"[11] or "the soundtrack to summer", emphasising the up-and-coming quartet's potential to write mainstream compatible tunes. Other reviewers considered "a watered-down copy of Jimmy Eat World" a more adequate description. In general, judgements ranged from predictable mediocrity to promising newcomer debut, though not necessarily in terms of longevity.

While the on-line community precipitately crowned Boys Like Girls "2006's Fall Out Boy" (in reference to the pop punk band's commercial success with 2005's From Under the Cork Tree), album sales were less convincing. Despite promotional front page features (such as Spin's "Artist of the Day" or the highly influential Absolutepunk.net's "Featured Band" and "Absolute Exclusive: Album Leak"), Boys Like Girls scanned a mere 1,472 units within its first week of sales, thus failing to chart the Billboard 200. However, continuous touring and promoting helped gaining the record a #179 entry into the chart in April 2007, peaking at #55 in August 2007.

Boys Like Girls is an American rock band from Boston, Massachusetts, who gained mainstream recognition when they released their self-titled debut album Boys Like Girls. They were the co-headliners with Good Charlotte for the Soundtrack of Your Summer Tour 2008 that toured across the U.S.
The group's second studio album Love Drunk, was released on September 8, 2009.


Formation (2005–06)

The group was formed in Boston  in the final months of 2005, when vocalist Martin Johnson, formerly of the Boston act Fake ID/The Drive, wrote a handful of songs he wanted to record. He recruited bassist Bryan Donahue and drummer John Keefe. Keefe brought along lead guitarist Paul DiGiovanni, with whom he had recorded a brief demo, to complete the line-up. Some months later the two later learned that they were distant cousins. The group later changed their name to Boys Like Girls.
The quartet soon opened a PureVolume account to showcase their music, and uploaded a rough demo of "The Great Escape" and an acoustic rendition of "Thunder". By the end of the year, the group had landed the #1 spot on the website's Top Unsigned Artists chartand within a few months had completed nationwide tours with Cute Is What We Aim For, Hit the Lights and Butch Walker

Eventually in 2006 the buzz around the band was overheard by booking agent Matt Galle and record producer Matt Squire, who contacted the band about a future collaboration. With their full support, Boys Like Girls embarked on their first nationwide tour with A Thorn for Every Heart, Hit the Lights and Keating in late February 2006. Following the month-long venture, the group immediately entered the recording studio with Squire to record their debut album for Columbia Records/Red Ink.
During their time in the studio Squire introduced the band to another of his alumni, Cute Is What We Aim For, who offered Boys Like Girls an opening slot on their upcoming headlining tour. Once the album was recorded, Boys Like Girls played back-to-back tours, including the Cute Is What We Aim For tour in June, as well as a two week stint with Butch Walker in late July. In between tours the band filmed their first music video for their album's lead single, "Hero/Heroine", directed by Mark Serao and Chris Vaglio of Grey Sky Films.
The first ever Boys Like Girls show was in Club Deniro in Taunton, Massachusetts, and there were only about 25 people that came to their show.

Self-titled album (2006–09)

On August 22 2006, the eponymous Boys Like Girls hit record store shelves. As of August 2008, the album has sold over 580,000 copies within the United States.[  While, as the title might suggest, songs about boys liking girls clearly prevail on the album, Johnson threw in the occasional escape from the pre-, mid-, or post-relationship formula, and touched upon themes such as his mother's battle with cancer, leaving home and promiscuous adolescents. Concerning the latter, he discussed the motivation behind the song "Dance Hall Drug":

So many kids are growing up too fast. 13 year olds are giving each other hand jobs in the back of the bus, 14 year olds are already drinking and partying, and kids spend more time worried about growing up and being cool than they do actually growing up and being a kid. 

In the light of the album's release, Boys Like Girls completed their first headlining tour, supported by Permanent Me and Scenes from a Movie in August and September, before heading out on an East coast tour, opening for Lostprophets and Eighteen Visions throughout October 2006. The remainder of the year was spent playing first on a five-band bill with Spitalfield, Punchline, Over It, and Valencia, as well as on the Tournado Tour, where they shared the stage with The All-American Rejects, Motion City Soundtrack, and The Format.
The year 2007 began with a short headlining run with Self Against City, after which the group joined Cobra Starship supporting a two-month Cartel tour in February. In between releasing their album's second single, "The Great Escape" (reaching #9 on the Pop 100), performing on Jimmy Kimmel Live on February 22, 2007, and eventually charting the Billboard 200 for the first time in April 2007, Boys Like Girls played their first international concerts during the Canadian leg of a North American tour with Hellogoodbye and the UK festival Give It A Name 2007.
In mid-2007, the group performed on the annual Vans Warped Tour for the first time and on July 31, 2007 the band reached the #1 spot on the MTV show Total Request Live. The following month, on August 20, 2007, Boys Like Girls members Johnson and DiGiovanni played a private show at 105.1 The Buzz radio station. They announced that they would be performing five shows in Japan and said how much Good Charlotte helped their career. In September 2007, Boys Like Girls released a three song acoustic set for AOL's Sessions Under Cover as an EP in the iTunes Store, containing "The Great Escape", "Thunder" and a cover of Frou Frou's "Let Go". On December 4, 2007, the band performed a concert with Good Charlotte, with opening act NLT, for New Orleans radio station B97's "The Night B97 Stole Christmas" at the New Orleans House of Blues, located in the French Quarter.
Boys Like Girls played at the Slam Dunk Festival on the Glamour Kills stage, in Leeds, on Sunday, May 25, 2008. The group shared the stage with bands such as, Cute Is What We Aim For, Kids In Glass Houses, Valencia, We The Kings, You Me At Six and The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. The band was also the opening act for Avril Lavigne's 2008 Best Damn Tour throughout the majority of North America.
Boys Like Girls did not perform on the Van's Warped Tour for 2008, but instead, toured the summer, with Good Charlotte, The Maine, and Metro Station, for the Soundtrack of Your Summer Tour which was kicked off in Southaven, Mississippi with a performance named Red White and Boom hosted by Q107.5 on June 3, 2008. On July 4, 2008 they played in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee at the 2008 Starjam concert, along with Metro Station, Good Charlotte, Ace Young, and Menudo. Two months later, Boys Like Girls and Metro Station performed together at Six Flags St. Louis in Missouri on August 5, 2008. A storm flew in while the concert was in session and the show was delayed for about 30 minutes. Six Flags then chose not to endanger the band or their fans, and decided to cancel the concert altogether. In between tour dates, they worked alongside Nickelodeon pop singer Miranda Cosgrove on her upcoming debut album, due for release in 2009.[
Boys Like Girls supported Fall Out Boy on their UK tour in October, along with Surrey's Pop band You Me At Six. A month later the bands debut DVD Read Between The Lines, was released on November 4, 2008.[13]
In January 2009, Boys like Girls toured the UK with Metro Station and Every Avenue supporting.

Love Drunk (2009–Present)

Martin Johnson announced that the band had begun to record their new album on his website on February 10, 2009. The album was released on September 8, 2009and was recorded half in Vancouver and half in New York City because there were two different producers/production teams, two different environments, and two different styles of inspiration. In an April 2009 interview with Paste Magazine's Sean Edgar, Johnson explained that many of the songs on Love Drunk were written using templates from computer programs like Cakewalk Sonar and MasterWriter, and were market tested for album inclusion. The band will embark on a 2009 fall tour with Cobra Starship, A Rocket to the Moon, The Maine, and VersaEmerge. The tour will begin on October 14 with the first show in Buffalo, New York. It is called the Op tour.
On June 18, Boys Like Girls confirmed the title for their second album. It is called Love Drunk and officially released September 8, 2009[. On June 24, 2009, the band released their first single. The single, like the album is called "Love Drunk". The "Love Drunk" music video features actress and singer Ashley Tisdale. The group released their second single "She's Got a Boyfriend Now" on iTunes in August. The fourth song off of Love Drunk is called "Two Is Better Than One," featuring female country singer Taylor Swift. The new album contains eleven tracks.
The band made history on August 15, 2009 when it was featured alongside The All-American Rejects, Hoobastank, Raygun, Kasabian and Pixie Lott as one of the live acts at Asia's very first MTV World Stage Live concert that was held in Malaysia.
The album is available for purchase on iTunes, Amazon, as well as many major retailers around the country. On iTunes, there is a "Deluxe Version" of the album that contains 3 bonus tracks; "Love Drunk(Acoustic)", "Heart Heart Heartbreak(Acoustic)" and a Mark Hoppus remixed version of "Love Drunk"
Rumors have been circulating that there would be another remix of Love Drunk, featuring R&B singer Sean Kingston, as proclaimed on the band frontman's blog, martinsays.com

Musical style and critical reception

Stylistically, the band lists its musical influences as a variety of contemporary pop punk and alternative rock bands, such as Jimmy Eat World, Blink-182, Story of the Year, Relient K, The Academy Is..., Kelena, and Dashboard Confessional. While these tendencies are clearly audible in guitarwork and drumming, punk rock influences are far less obvious as far as vocal patterns and lyricism are concerned. Given Johnson's characteristic tenor vocal melodies—which are, due to sporadically placed falsettos, at times reminiscent of Tyson Ritter's (of The All-American Rejects fame)—the band's all-around sound is geared to late '90s alternative radio rock, along the lines of Vertical Horizon, Goo Goo Dolls, and Eve 6.
In comparison with the majority of their peers, Boys Like Girls has a more radio-friendly pop rock sound. Hence, Boys Like Girls has been labeled "an album full of hit singles"or "the soundtrack to summer”, emphasising the up-and-coming quartet's potential to write mainstream compatible tunes. Other reviewers considered "a watered-down copy of Jimmy Eat World" a more adequate description.[  In general, judgments ranged from predictable mediocrity to promising newcomer debut, though not necessarily in terms of longevity.
While the online community precipitately crowned Boys Like Girls 2006's "Fall Out Boy" (in reference to the pop punk band's commercial success with 2005's From Under the Cork Tree), album sales were less convincing. Despite promotional front page features (such as Spin's "Artist of the Day" or the highly influential Absolutepunk.net's "Featured Band" and "Absolute Exclusive: Album Leak"), Boys Like Girls scanned a mere 1,472 units within its first week of sales, thus failing to chart the Billboard 200. However, continuous touring and promoting helped gaining the record a #179 entry into the chart in April 2007. It continued to gain popularity as the single, "The Great Escape", climbed the charts and eventually peaked at #55 in August 2007. After nearly falling off the Billboard 200, the re-release of the single "Hero/Heroine" jumped the album back up to #61 and was certified Gold shortly after.

13 November 2009

ih waw men blogger !!
gue pengen cerita !
cerita orang yang munafik dan gg mau kalah saingan gitu men !

gue kan suka sama orang ..
nah yang pasti gue nyari info tentang orang yang gue suka ke temen'a dai dong ..
iya kan men !!

nah ada temen gue ank kls 9.1 !
inisialnya S !
sumpah ya tuh anak ngeselin bgt !!

baru famous sama dpt temen banyak ajah gayanya udah setengah mati !!
belaga bgt sih jadi orang !!

semua yang ada di wall sama friend gue dia add'in ..
trus dia kaya pengen kenal gitu ..
dia bilang "makasih udh konfirm"

ih amit" deh pengen bgt kenal ..
sedangkan gue yang ngeadd dia , dia yang kasih komen ..

huuuuu dasar anak baru famous gitu tuh kerjaanya !!

ih kenapa sih lo ya nyebelin bgt !!
gg mau kalah saiingan bgt !!
kesel gue friend" di ambil sama lo , trus lo pengen knal sama mereka !!


9 November 2009

heeeeeeeeeeem ...

1 . the courage is not come from another man or anything else , but the courage come from our self

2. when you ever broken hearted , effeccacious charm for it you must make love for somebody who also ever broken hearted

3.when you reached make honesty for others , before it you must honest with your own self

4. give your smile to everyone but give your love for only one person

5. love which come late always side by side with the great happines

6. love can't be caught like the bird , but it would come self because has the same feeling

7. love is currious thing , when we catch tight it would die , but if we catch it not so tight it would run away

8. love is an attractive feeling in the heart between two people from an other kind to feel happy and sad each other

9. the good love isn't appear from the beauty or from the smartness , bu from the good character

10. love ever know about desperate because love is the petience that would give the expection and the expetation isn't desperate

artinya :

1. keberanian bukan datang dari orang lain atau segala sesuatu tetapi kebranian berasal dari diri kita sendiri

2. ketika kamu pernah patah hati , maka obat yang manjur untuk itu adalah kamu kamu harus membuat cinta dari seseorang yang juga pernah patah hati

3. ketika kamu ingin membuat kejujuran kepada orang lain , sebelum itu kamu harus jujur pada dirimu sendiri

4. berikan senyum mu kepada semua orang , tetpai berikan cintamu hanya untuk seseorang

5. cinta yang datang terlambat selalu di dampingi oleh kebahagiaan yang besar

6. cinta tidak dapat dipikat seperti burung , tetapi cinta akan datang sendiri karena memiliki perasaan yang sama

7. cinta itu adalah sesuatu yang aneh , jika manusia menggenggamnya lebih kuat ia akan mati , tetapi jika manusia menggenggamnya tidak begitu kuat maka ia akan lari

8. cinta adalh perasaan menarik di dalam hati antara dua manusia dari lain jenis untuk merasakkan kabahagiaan dan kesedihan masing" ..

9. cinta yg baik tidak ditimbulkan dari kecantikkan atau dari ketampanan , tetapi dari kelakuan tang baik ..

10. cinta kasih tidak mengenal putus asa , sebuah cinta kasihadalah penuh kesabaran akan membawa pangharapan bukanlah keputus asaan ..

7 November 2009

menyenangkan ..

emmm .. pa kabar blogger ?

oh ya hari sabtu kemaren gue ke gps sama rintis ..
nah pas nyampe blm ada ce'a ..
dan tiba" IRUR nyamperin gue !!
"eh friend maafin gue yaa"
gue langsung senyum trima maaf dia !!

saking senengnya sebenernya gue pengen nangis ..

karna seneng ya ..
tapi kan malu banyak orang ..

tp gue sama dia gg banyak omong sih .. haha
masih malu gue ngajak ngomong dia ..

trus pada dateng deh semua 
nah abis itu ada egha ..
egha nyamperin gue sama rintis ..

"eh men .. jangan pd marah sama gue dong"
"gue gg jadi kok sama mereka"

hahahaha OKEH !! :D

"yaudah kita tos .."

yaudah deh MAMEN SEMUA ..

VZ terselamatkan kembali ..

trus pas tanding bola ada ank gps yg no punggung 99
mirip bgt temenya ipang ..
gilaaaaaaa !! gue jadi inget dia lagi ...
ya tapi gue seneng juga ..
gue juga ternyata kagum bgt sama no.punggung 99 ..
hahahha ..

gue pengen tau siapa namanya ..

pokoknya seneng bgt deh gue ..

trus pulangnya ke mm .. maen ddr ..
gue sama rintis kira ..
kartu permainannya masih ada isinya ..
eh ternyata udh abis ..
yaudah kita isi ulang ajh 20ribu ..

1. gue baikkan sama irur :)
2. vz mamen daaaah ..:)
3. no. punggung 99 :)  
4. gue rintis mamen .. hahah

1 November 2009

26-30 oktober 2009

hey blogger ..
apa kabar lo ? (halah apa coba fha)

eh eh eh gue mau cerita nih ..
gue mau cerita tentang seminggu ini ..
seminggu ini tuh gue uts .. (gg seminggu sih cuma 5 hr)

eh tapi gilaaa ya saraaaaaaaaaaaap !!

uts susah bgt ..
setelah gue teliti soal 199 sama 252 susahan 199
(najiiiiiis dah)
252 ajah soalnya cuma 30-40
Nah 199 30-40 (parah bgt kan blogger?)

Nah gini ceritanya :

-> 26 oktober 2009 senin
ini dia hari pertama uts ..
gue hari ini berangkat bareng sama rintis ..

*Pelajaran pertama ipa ..
(gileeee pembukaanya ipa boo)
yg ngawas pa kasno ..
ternyata pa kasno gg susah" amat ah ..
abis itu pak kasno keluar karna ada pelantikkan
dan akhirnya ..
bu nis bulak-balik ke kelas gua buat ngawas !!
rada susah tuh nyontek sama ngebetnya

*pelajaran kedua plkj
(asik mamen abis susah langsung guampang)
yg ngawas adalah pa teguh
satu kelas pada bersorak riang
karena pak teguh yg ngawas
pak teguh mamen nih ..
suka keluar” ..
trus yg ketauan nyontek juga gg di apa”in bgt ..
hahahaha ..

-> 27 oktober 2009 selasa
emmm hari kedua uts ..
ya gg ada apa” sih ..
*pelajaran pertama matematika

soal mtk mantaf abis ..
rambut ampe pada rontok !! haha
susah gile !
tapi untungnya yg ngawas pak syahfri ..
pak syahfri kan suka keluar” ..

*pelajaran kedua pkn ..
gua berharap bgt yg ngawas tuh pak jaka ..
dan ternyata ..
bu lince ..
asooooy dah !! walau bukan pak jaka yg jaga ..
pak jaka gg ada bu lince pun jadi .. hahha
bu lince gampang buat nyontek dan ngebet
asal jangan berisik aja ..

-> 28 oktober 2009 rabu
hari ketiga uts ..
uhh kapan selesainya ya ? lama amat rasanya ..
mana hari ini 3 pelajaran lagi ..
hari ini adlah hari sumpah pemuda !!
HIDUP PEMUDA PEMUDI INDONESIA (alah sok nasionalisme)

*pelajaran pertama Seni budaya
waah gue kaga belajar sama sekali nih pelajaran ..
yg uh inget” dikit ..
dan ternyata yg ngawas :
widih kacau dah tuh ..
susah bgt nyonteknya ..
trus gue diplototin sama bu vera
gara” ank kls 8 (riski) sebelahnya vani belakang gue
manggil gue ..
HADUH MATI GUE (dalam hati gue berkata begitu)
ternyata bu vera dpt telpon gitu ..
akhirnya dia keluar lumayan lama ..

*pelajaran kedua pend.agama
nah ini agama lumyalah
gara” gue udh rada belajar dikit sama ni pelajaran ..
dan yg ngawas tuh ka astri !!
gilaaaaaaaa ..
ka astir tuh beda bgt !!
waktu kls 8 tuh ka astir susah bgt buat nyontek !!
tapi sekarang lumayan gampang ..

*pelajaran ketiga tata busana
yg ngawas ka astir lagi
nih ya tabus gue belajar
yg busana adat sama mancanegara
tapi ternyata yg keluar tuh POLA !!
haduh mana gue gg belajar pola sama sekali lagi ..
akhirnya gue nyontek ke vani sama vina karna mereka ngebet ..
hahahaha sukses dah

-> 29 oktober 2009 kamis

*pelajaran pertama bahasa Indonesia ..
ternyata bahasa Indonesia gg sesusah uh I hahha
tapi ada soal yg banyak dr uh II
yg ngawas bahasa tuh bu retih ..
ya agak susah sih ..

*pelajaran kedua ips
nah ini diye pelajaran yg paling bego buat gue !!
gue tuh knapa ya bego bgt sama ips ?
ada yg punya ramuannya biar pinter ips gitu gg ?
tapi untungnya ips sama bu lela riani ..
ahahhaha vina sama vani ngebet secara lancar meeeen !!
gue tinggal nyontek daaaah ..

-> 30 oktober 2009 jum’at
nah ini dia

dan hari ini tuh gue banyak mau cerita soalnya ni hari seru bgt ..
*pelajaran pertama bahasa inggris ..
yg ngawas ka iwaaay !!
asaik asik asik !!
ka iway malah oline lagi .. katanya bosen ..
ngawas kaga ngapa”in ..
yaudah lancar dan makmur daah
trus si rifani ketauan nyontek sma ka iway
tapi karna ka iway baik jadinya gg pp

*palajaran kedua tik
nah ini gue kaga balajar lagi nih ..
yg ngawas bu retih lagi ..
tik banyak yg keluar dr uh meeeen ..
trus kata bu retih kalo mau nyontek pake bahasa ihsyarat ajah ..
jangan sampe berisik ..
hahaha makmur dah gua !!

trus pulang deh ..
nah ini yg mau gue ceritain ..
kan kanvas gue sama rintis rusak
nah hari ini gue sama rintis mau nyari kanvas ..
nah si kutu kecil ini nih (rintis) nekat bgt gilaaa ..
naek motor ke mm ..
ini pengalaman pertama gue ke mm naek motor sama temen ..
kaga ekstrim” bgt sih ..
pas nyampe tampang gue sama dia
sama sekali gg meyakinkan buat ke mm naek motor ..
hahaha ..
nyampe gue langsung
beli kanvas , makan , maen ddr , maen baskte ,
beli hip hop trus pulang daaah ..
pulangnya gue krumah rintis dulu ..
baru langsung les trus pulang deh kerumah
itu dia pengalaman gue selama seminggu ini ..

semoga lo terhibur deh baca blog gue ..